Photo Gallery

Lupins Albus
L. Albus grain

Lupins Angustifolius
L. Angustifolius

Lupins Harvest
Harvesting L. Angustifolius

Lupins Harvesting
Harvesting L. Angustifolius

Lupins Mullewa
L. Angustifolius in the northern wheatbelt of WA

Lupins Stockpile
Lupin grain stacks at a site operated by Cooperative Bulk Handling

Lupins Well Grown
L. Angustifolius in September in WA

Lupins Wide Row
L. Angustifolius grown in wide rows

Lupins Well Grown
L. Luteus showing why its local name is Yellow Lupin

Lupins Angus
The flowering primary stem of L. Angustifolius